Taiwan — Piano Tuning & Repair — Nola Piano


A Long Overdue Update

Taichung Zhongshe Flower Garden - photo from elinchow.blogspot.com

Taichung Zhongshe Flower Garden - photo from elinchow.blogspot.com

Hello dear readers,

My apologies for going almost two years without a new blog post. I’ve got a good reason I swear! Last July my now-wife and I got married and promptly escaped the current pitiful state of affairs in America to the relative paradise of Taiwan.

Although I did bring a few piano tools here, I have only used them a few times, as most of my time has been dedicated to studying Mandarin.

All this is just to say, I’m taking a break from the piano industry and so have also taken a break from my writing. However, I have been thinking a lot lately about the general state of the industry in America and how it is (or isn’t) adapting to to modern society. Specifically in the realms of gender, age, and racial disparity. There might possibly be new blog posts in this vein in the near future, so stay tuned.

Otherwise, my wife and I plan to return to the states in Fall 2020, so expect to see technical posts resume sometime shortly after.


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